

California Woman Dies of Lead Poisoning After Using Hemorrhoid Ointment

Health officials are warning the public of a Vietnamese hemorrhoid ointment that contains a “highly dangerous amount” of lead.

USDA declares that Salmonella is an adulterant in some chicken products

FOOD SAFETY NEWS – As of today, the USDA considers Salmonella an adulterant in raw, breaded, stuffed chicken products, making it illegal to sell them if they are contaminated with the pathogen. The decision has been almost two years in the making. In August 2022 the deputy undersecretary for food safety for the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) said the move would be a first step in cleaning up America’s chicken. “It is an...

Cattle Veterinarians Express Confusion over U.S. Response to Bird Flu

THINK GLOBAL HEALTH – When U.S. officials first announced in late March 2024 that the H5N1 avian influenza had been detected in Texas dairy herds, Beth Thompson knew it was only a matter of time before the virus reached cows in South Dakota, where she serves as the state veterinarian. Her prediction came true days later on April 8, when she received an email reporting likely cases of H5N1 in approximately 50 cows at a...

1 in 5 samples of pasteurized milk had bird flu virus fragments, FDA says

Milk sampled from areas with infected herds of dairy cows was more likely to be positive.

What’s Causing This Burning Sensation in My Chest?

Heartburn and anxiety, among other conditions, may cause a burning feeling or pain in your chest. More serious causes include a heart attack, pericarditis, and pneumonia. Learning when your symptom may be a medical emergency is essential.

McDonald’s whacko slugs, pistol whips and shoots pinky off fellow diner in wild brawl over sauce: cops

Police said Wesley Bullock was so ticked off he didn’t get sauce with his McDonald’s order that he choked, slugged, pistol-whipped and shot another patron who tried to calm him down.

California Legislators Debate Froot Loops and Free Condoms

KFF Health News, SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California state lawmakers this year are continuing their progressive tilt on health policy with dozens of proposals including a ban on a Froot Loops ingredient and free condoms for high schoolers. As states increasingly fracture along partisan lines, California Democrats are stamping their supermajority on legislation that they will consider until they adjourn at the end of August. But the cost of these proposals will be a major factor...

Concern grows as bird flu spreads further in US cows: 32 herds in 8 states

The USDA speculates that the most likely way bird flu virus is spreading in dairy herds is via contaminated milking equipment.

Possible measles exposure at Indiana children’s museum during total eclipse event, officials say

ABC NEWS – People who attended a total solar eclipse event at a children's museum in Indiana may have been exposed to measles, according to museum and health officials. An infected individual traveled to the event at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis on April 8 from out of state, the Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) said in a news release late Friday afternoon. Melissa McMasters, administrator of infectious disease and immunizations at the MCPHD, told...

Enchiladas recalled over Listeria contamination

WHAT PART OF THIS DO FOOD SERVICE WORKERS NOT UNDERSTAND? "Wash hands after using the bathroom and changing diapers, and before handling or eating any food." FOOD SAFETY NEWS – Amy’s Kitchen Inc. of Petaluma, CA is recalling Amy’s Kitchen Enchilada Verde Whole Meal because of Listeria monocytogenes contamination. According to the details posted online by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), the recall was initiated on March 21, 2024, and is ongoing. The recalled products were distributed...

One in 10 U.S. School-Age Kids Have ADHD: Report

U.S. News & World Report -- About 1 in every 10 U.S. children ages 5 to 17 has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the latest government statistics. The data from the National Health Interview Survey covers the years 2020 through 2022 and came from in-person or phone interviews involving a representative sample of American homes. It found that 11.3% of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD, with boys more likely...

England Finds No Evidence for Transing Kids. Will U.S. Doctors Listen?

GRANITE GROK – There is no sound evidence that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones improve mental health. “The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.” This is one of the conclusions of The Cass Review, conducted by National Health Services England (NHSE) under the direction of Dr. Hillary Cass in the wake of concerns about the sudden increase in referrals to gender services, especially among...

Mentally stimulating work plays key role in staving off dementia, study finds

THE GUARDIAN (UK) – People in routine and repetitive jobs found to have 31% greater risk of disease in later life, and 66% higher risk of mild cognitive problems If work is a constant flurry of mind-straining challenges, bursts of creativity and delicate negotiations to keep the troops happy, consider yourself lucky. Researchers have found that the more people use their brains at work, the better they seem to be protected against thinking and memory problems...

Salmonella Poisoning Outbreak Prompts Trader Joe’s Basil Recall

KFF HEALTH  NEWS – The latest food poisoning incident has sickened 13 people across multiple states and is linked to a particular organic basil product. Recall Issued For Trader Joe's Basil After Salmonella Poisons 13 Amaris Encinas, April 18, 2024 USA TODAY – Trader Joe’s basil is making people across the country sick, with the grocery chain store confirming Wednesday that the product was connected with a multistate salmonella outbreak. A number of agencies, including the FDA and...
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