

Moderna Made $18 Billion in 2021, Readies New Vaccines

Moderna Is Developing 2 New Vaccines—And 1 Could Protect Against the Common Cold The two vaccines aim to reduce the impact of respiratory illnesses on public health, especially among older adults. HEALTH – Biotechnology company Moderna is expanding its mRNA technology. The makers of the Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine are now working on two more vaccines: one to protect against SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV); and another for the four endemic human coronaviruses, which can cause...

J&J Injected Black Prisoners With Asbestos

PLUS: Black Vaccine Hesitancy Rooted in Mistrust, Doubts CONTX – Court documents unsealed during the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) talcum powder litigation reveal that the company funded a 1971 study in which Pennsylvania prisoners, most of them African American, were “injected subcutaneously with asbestos.” Knowledge of the experiments has been public for some time, but J&J’s involvement has only just been recognised, according to Bloomberg. This news comes after unsealed documents were released in recent J&J lawsuits,...

What Is Medical Gaslighting?

INSIDER – Heidi Richard, a 47-year-old elementary school teacher in Worcester, Massachusetts, is a lifelong runner who'd always been healthy. So she knew something was wrong in spring 2019 when she started experiencing severe stomach pains, vomiting, and night sweats. At the doctor, though, she was told her symptoms were just stress or anxiety. She was given an antacid and sent on her way, she wrote for Today.com. Richard's pain and vomiting didn't subside, and she unintentionally...

China Harvested Organs From Living People, Israeli Researcher Claims

According to these experts, Chinese authorities murder some prisoners in “reeducation camps” to harvest their organs and sell them for transplant for high prices to local and foreign customers.

Patients’ Perilous Months-Long Waiting for Medicaid Coverage Is a Sign of What’s to Come

KAISER HEALTH NEWS – Korra Elliott has tried to avoid seeing a doctor while waiting to get on Medicaid. She worries she can’t afford more bills without any insurance coverage. But in early March — five months, she said, after applying and with still no decision about her application — a suspected case of the flu sent her blood pressure soaring and landed her in the emergency room. The 28-year-old mother of four from Salem, Missouri,...

Which Companies Aren’t Exiting Russia? Big Pharma

Even as the war in Ukraine has prompted an exodus of international companies from Russia, U.S. and global drug companies said they would continue manufacturing and selling their products there.

Majority of Americans Would Take COVID Pill If They Got Sick

A majority of unvaccinated Americans would decline to take an antiviral medication if they got sick with COVID-19, a new poll found.

They Left The Doctor’s Sicker Than When They Went In

A new study has found that patients exposed to the flu at their primary care physician’s office were 31.8% more likely than unexposed patients to revisit with the flu within two weeks.

Addressing Ageism With Urgency

KAISER HEALTH NEWS – Earlier this year, the World Health Organization announced a global campaign to combat ageism — discrimination against older adults that is pervasive and harmful but often unrecognized. “We must change the narrative around age and ageing” and “adopt strategies to counter” ageist attitudes and behaviors, WHO concluded in a major report accompanying the campaign. Several strategies WHO endorsed — educating people about ageism, fostering intergenerational contacts, and changing policies and laws to...

Hospitals Get Creative To Handle More Patients, More Stress

New Hampshire Union Leader – More and sicker patients, fewer people to care for them and a highly contagious virus that makes everything less predictable: This is the “new normal” in New Hampshire hospitals. The delta wave of COVID-19 may be waning, but hospital leaders expect the virus to be here for a long time. The virus complicates underlying problems — an aging population that needs more health care, people delaying needed treatment because of...

Pig Organ Transplant Experiment Performed On Brain-Dead New Yorker

AP – Scientists temporarily attached a pig's kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work, a small step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for life-saving transplants. Pigs have been the most recent research focus to address the organ shortage, but among the hurdles: A sugar in pig cells, foreign to the human body, causes immediate organ rejection. The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal,...

5 Foods Never To Mix With Medications

WEBMD – You may know that some medicines don’t work well together. But what you eat and drink can have an effect on some drugs, too. Before you take a medication for the first time, talk with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there’s anything you should stay away from. Grapefruit This citrus fruit changes the way certain cells in your gut take in and move medication through your body -- it can affect more...

Antibiotics May Raise Colon Cancer Risk, Massive Study Suggests

Taking antibiotic drugs may raise the risk of developing colon cancer five to 10 years down the line, according to a new study of more than 40,000 cancer cases in Sweden.

Moderna Far Better Than Pfizer In Blocking Delta Variant: Mayo Clinic

WTMJ, MILWAUKEE — A new Mayo Clinic study suggests the Moderna vaccine is performing far better than Pfizer when it comes to breakthrough infections. Mayo Clinic in Minnesota followed tens of thousands of vaccinated people for the past six months. While they found one vaccine outperformed another at preventing infections, researchers say all of the approved vaccines show strong results in minimizing hospitalizations. Results from Mayo’s study show Moderna’s vaccine was 76 percent effective at preventing...
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