

Men and Women Use Different Biological Systems to Reduce Pain

University of California San Diego School of Medicine – In a new study evaluating meditation for chronic lower back pain, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine have discovered that men and women utilize different biological systems to relieve pain. While men relieve pain by releasing endogenous opioids, the body’s natural painkillers, women rely instead on other, non-opioid based pathways. Synthetic opioid drugs, such as morphine and fentanyl, are the most powerful class...

How to step up to manage bunions

MAYO CLINIC NEWS NETWORK – Stylish shoes can add the finishing touch to an outfit and help you feel like you're putting your best foot forward. But those dressy shoes might not be the best for your feet — especially your toes. Shoes that are narrow, tight, pointed or high-heeled can push the tip of your big toes toward and over your smaller toes, causing bunions. Bunions are bulging, bony bumps at the base of your...

Death row rapist/murderer complains lethal injection might hurt [poor bunny]

A Florida man scheduled to be put to death is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to delay his execution so his challenge to Florida’s lethal injection procedures can be heard

Study finds 20 minutes of mindful breathing can rapidly reduce intensity of cancer pain

British Medical Journal – Twenty minutes of mindful breathing, which focuses a person's attention on their breath, can rapidly reduce the intensity and unpleasantness of cancer pain and relieve the associated anxiety, suggest the findings of a small comparative study, published online in the journal BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Mindful breathing complements traditional pain relief and broadens the repertoire of options available for cancer patients, say the researchers. Moderate to severe pain affects an estimated...
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