
Burger King Made a Whopper With Same-Sex Buns for Pride Month, and It Did Not Go Over Well

Are you a "two tops" or a "two bottoms" guy?

INSIDE HOOK – It’s June, which means it’s time for brands everywhere to try and exploit Pride Month with some ill-advised and clunky marketing campaigns, and we’ve got a real doozy today thanks to Burger King Austria.

On Monday, the fast-food company unveiled its new Pride Whopper, which features “same-sex” buns — two tops or two bottoms. Naturally, it did not go over well.

According to an Instagram post by Burger King Austria, the Pride Whoppers come “with two matching buns for equal love and equal rights.”

“We stand for the equal rights of all identities and sexual orientations,” it reads. “A little twist to put a smile on your face and remind us to treat each other respectfully and peacefully. No matter who you are and who you love.”

That’s all fine, but is it really “respectful” to make your Pride burger something that could be interpreted as being a sexual joke about “tops” and “bottoms”? … READ MORE. 

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“The campaign seeks to encourage burger lovers all over the nation to have a Whopper of a day worthy of indulgence. This means big, it means two hands and a napkin … ” – Little Black Book Online

[The only apparent difference between gay and straight Whoppers is the bun thing, so a firm grip and extra napkins are likely needed in either case. – HH]

Order This, Not That: Burger King

First up, Burger King. We suggest…

FOOD NETWORK | By: Toby Amidor, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.

Quick and cheap is appealing these days, and sometimes — at the airport, out shopping, with the kids — you might have to hit up a fast food joint. There’s no reason to blow your daily calorie budget in one meal. This new series will cover the popular nationwide chains to help you make smarter, healthier choices at the counter.

ORDER: Whopper Jr.

The Whopper Jr. burger without cheese or mayo has 290 calories and 12 grams of fat. Even if you split a value fries and sip on some water or diet soda, your grand total equals 400 calories and 17.5 grams of fat. That will leave you enough calories for a sensible breakfast and dinner that day.

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NOT: The Double or Triple Whopper

A Triple Whopper with cheese and mayo has 1250 calories and 84 grams of fat. That’s 63% of your daily calories and 100% of your allowable fat for the day (based on a 2000 calorie diet)! The Double Whopper with the full fixings isn’t much better with 1010 calories and 64 grams of fat. Add a large fries and your grand total is 1830 calories and 112 grams of fat.

If you still add a milkshake or soda, well, need I say more? … READ MORE. 

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