
Biden’s Breakdown: Habitual Dishonesty Or Late-Life Mental Disability?

OPINION | Joe Biden’s made-up stories and manner raise serious questions about his mental health

THE REPUBLIC BRIEF – President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes.

Recently, President Biden told a truck driver: “I used to drive a tractor-trailer.” This wasn’t the first time he had made the claim.

But the White House has since conceded that it is a fabrication; asked for proof of Biden’s truck-driving career, aides pointed to a newspaper article showing Biden riding in a truck — once — as part of a publicity stunt. He keeps telling this story, and it keeps being untrue.

But that’s par for the course for Biden, who infamously slandered an innocent man in the matter of the death of his first wife and daughter, claiming that the man had been a drunken driver.

He wasn’t, there was no suggestion that he was, and police reports at the time suggested that it was probably Mrs. Biden who had been at fault in the accident.

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“We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health.”

Yet Biden spent years alleging that the man “drank his lunch” before causing the accident … 

To broach the subject of the president’s competence in a formal way is a serious thing, one that Republicans probably cannot do effectively on their own. But it is difficult to imagine a single Democrat, much less a meaningful group of them, stepping up on this.

So we must rely either on Republican credibility or on Democratic political courage — i.e., we are hosed.

Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health.

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That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public … read more. 

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