
Bar Owner Charged In Sale Of Fake COVID Vaccination Cards

The only way to get a fake vaccine card is to break the law; here's why we strongly advise against it ...

PEOPLE – Authorities arrested the owner of a Northern California saloon on Tuesday, alleging he was selling fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards to his customers.

After receiving a tip that phony vaccination cards were being sold at the Old Corner Saloon in Clements, agents from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control — posing as potential buyers — entered the bar on numerous occasions in April, and “were able to purchase the fraudulent cards,” according to a press release from the ABC.

On Tuesday, the bar’s owner, Todd Anderson, was led away from his business in handcuffs.

Anderson was allegedly charging $20 for the fake vaccination cards. Anderson was charged with felony identity theft and forging government documents, as well as misdemeanor falsifying medical records.

At the time of his arrest, Anderson, 59, also allegedly had a loaded unregistered firearm — a felony under California law …

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“Misrepresenting yourself as having received the vaccine puts a lot of other people at risk for health reasons. But it also puts you at risk for criminal liabilities as well.” – Amanda Videll, FBI public affairs specialist

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Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Record Cards Are A Growing Problem, Says FBI

Bruce Y. Lee, Senior Contributor

FORBES – “Fake it till you make it” can be very questionable advice.

“Fake a Covid-19 vaccination card because you can’t make a vaccination appointment” can be even worse.

As I have covered previously for Forbes, a Covid-19 Vaccination Record Card is currently the only real proof that you’ve received the Covid-19 vaccine. In order to get a real version of this cardboard paper card, you have to, you know, actually get the Covid-19 vaccine.

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So when schools, businesses, and other organizations want to determine who’s really been vaccinated, all they have to do is check for people’s vaccination record cards, because no one lies and cheats in our society, correct?

Well, as you’ve probably seen, for every rule, requirement, or standard, there’s no shortage of people who are willing to break it.

Whether it’s resumes, college applications, Avengers membership cards, or pretty much anything else, you’ll find at least some people trying to fake it.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that people have been circulating instructions and means to create fake Covid-19 Vaccination Record Cards.

Kevin Collier and Ben Collins reported for NBC News that such instructions and templates have appeared on “pro-Trump forums … ” Click here to read more. 

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