
Another Made-In-China Virus May Soon Go Global

“It’s a specific lineage of swine influenza that has all the hallmarks of pandemic influenza strain.” 

| Researchers in China have discovered a new swine flu. It could become a pandemic, but scientists can contain it now.

July 7, 2020

WUSA-9, WASHINGTON — As if the summer of the coronavirus pandemic was not enough, scientists in China have discovered a new strain of swine flu.

Experts believe it could have the potential to become a pandemic. This difference is we have more time and information than we did for the coronavirus.

To find out more, we turned to the experts. Georgetown University Virologist Dr. Erin Sorrell explained that researchers discovered the new swine flu after years of surveillance on the global pig population.

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“It’s a specific lineage of swine influenza that has all the hallmarks of pandemic influenza strain,” Sorrell said.

What was alarming about this strain of swine flu is that it made the leap beyond the pig population.

“It was able to transmit to some of the swine workers. That meant both individuals that work with swine in the production facility and the slaughterhouses,” she explained … Read more. 

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