
Almost Half of Dementia Cases Avoidable by Addressing 14 Risk Factors, Major Study Finds

01 August 2024, ByJULIEN DURY

AFP – Millions of cases of dementia could be prevented or delayed by reducing a range of risk factors such as smoking or air pollution, according to a major new study, though outside experts warn that such measures can only go so far.

The debilitating condition, which progressively robs people of their memories, cognitive abilities, language and independence, currently affects more than 55 million people across the world.

Dementia is caused by a range of diseases, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s.

A huge review of the available evidence published in The Lancet journal on Wednesday said that the “potential for prevention is high” in the fight against dementia.

The study follows a previous report in 2020 that also emphasised the importance of prevention.

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At the time, the international team of researchers estimated that 40 percent of dementia cases were linked to 12 risk factors.

The factors included people having a lower level of education, hearing problems, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, depression, physical inactivity, diabetes, excessive drinking, traumatic brain injury, air pollution and social isolation.

The latest update adds two more risk factors: vision loss and high cholesterol.

“Nearly half of dementias could theoretically be prevented by eliminating these 14 risk factors,” the study said.


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