
“A woman for me is knowing how to cater to man’s needs.” – Cam Newton

Unsigned NFL quarterback says "b!tches" should "cater to a man's needs," while in the same breath insisting his words are not meant to degrade women ...

BLAZE MEDIA – The coroner’s report on Cam Newton’s NFL career should list “lack of self-awareness” as the cause of death, not misogyny. [Newton, the NFL’s 2015 Most Valuable Player, is currently a free agent.]

Newton returned to the news cycle yesterday after media outlets circulated comments about women he made during a recent podcast interview. On the Sunday edition of the “Million Dollaz Worth of Game” podcast, Newton discussed his upbringing, his parents’ long marriage, and his philosophy on women.

The latter comments provoked the ire of feminists, the matriarchy, Twitter, and beta males and cast Newton as the love child of Archie Bunker and Cardi B. Newton said:

“It’s a lot of women who are bad bit***s, and and I say ‘bit***s’ in a way not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem as a ‘boss chick.’ A woman for me is handling your own but knowing how to cater to man’s needs.

“I think a lot of times when you get that aesthetic of like ‘I’m a boss bit**, I’m a this, I’m a that,’ no baby. But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet. You don’t know how to allow a man to lead.”

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“Why would a woman follow a man with five illegitimate kids?” – JASON WHITLOCK

I disagree. Sans the profane language, Newton’s views on gender roles and obligations are commonplace in the NFL or among high-net-worth men.

His views are standard among people, regardless of income, with a biblical worldview. Genesis 2:18 says that God created Eve as a suitable helper (helpmeet) for Adam.

Newton’s views are not problematic or outside the mainstream, especially within his peer group.

It’s his lack of self-awareness that’s the problem. The content of his podcast interview is a reflection of the lack of self-awareness that has undermined the success of his NFL career … READ MORE. 

“Talent and the coddling produced by immense athletic gifts blinded the quarterback prodigy to the harsh realities and inevitabilities of playing the most challenging position in all of sports.” – JASON WHITLOCK


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