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States Set Minimum Staffing Levels for Nursing Homes. Residents Suffer When Rules Are Ignored or Waived.

KFF Health News – For hours, John Pernorio repeatedly mashed the call button at his bedside in the Heritage Hills nursing home in Rhode...

Most nursing homes don’t have enough staff to meet the federal government’s new rules

SHOTS HEALTH NEWS – The Biden administration is establishing new standards for how much time each day a nursing home resident gets direct care...

Tennessee sees spike in nursing homes battling serious problems since COVID-19 pandemic

Long-term care advocates worry that nursing home quality has plummeted since the pandemic due to a perfect storm of problems.

Nursing schools are turning away thousands of applicants during a major nursing shortage. Here’s why

Nursing schools have nearly 2,000 full-time faculty positions to fill, according to the nursing college association. Just under 8% of the teaching slots are vacant.

Nikki Haley Says Senate Is A ‘Privileged Nursing Home’ After McConnell Freeze

(Headline USA) GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley mocked the U.S. Senate as “the most privileged nursing home in the country” after Senate Minority Leader...

Feds to investigate nursing home abuse of antipsychotics

WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government says it will begin a targeted crackdown on nursing homes' abuse of antipsychotic drugs and misdiagnoses of schizophrenia...

Florida’s nursing pipeline is broken as many would-be nurses fail their exams

Florida nursing students are failing at a rate higher than anywhere else in the nation.

Loved One In Nursing Home? You May Need An Attorney

KAISER HEALTH NEWS, ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Lucille Brooks was stunned when she picked up the phone before Christmas two years ago and learned a...

Fear And Outrage Shakes Nursing Profession

Kaiser Health News – Emma Moore felt cornered. At a community health clinic in Portland, Oregon, the 29-year-old nurse practitioner said she felt overwhelmed and...

Cuomo Agency ‘Misled the Public’ on Nursing Home Deaths

The New York State Health Department presented nursing home data that concealed the deaths of 4,100 people, according to an audit by the state comptroller. The comptroller’s audit showed how state health officials enabled ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to downplay the number of virus-related nursing home deaths.

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