
82-year-old woman sues YMCA over locker room run-in with transgender staffer

C. Adams likes it when people call him Clementine, and wants you to know he really, really wishes he had a vagina ...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES – An 82-year-old Washington state woman has sued her local YMCA for slapping her with a lifetime ban after she complained about a [transvestite] employee in the women’s locker room.

Julie Jaman accused the Olympic Peninsula YMCA of violating her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights by banning her from the Mountain View pool and other YMCA-run facilities in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.

The Center for American Liberty, which represents the Port Townsend resident, sent a letter in March warning of legal action unless the YMCA lifted the ban, issued an apology, and paid $350,000 to Ms. Jaman for emotional distress, but did not receive a reply.

“The City and YMCA’s failure to respond to Julie’s requests highlights their disregard for public safety,” said Harmeet Dhillon, the center’s CEO and founder. “By prioritizing political ideology over the protection of children, they have set a dangerous precedent. As we pursue legal action, we demand accountability and a renewed commitment to protecting women’s privacy and civil rights.”

Ms. Jaman, a 40-year member of the YMCA, was kicked out in July 2022 after confronting a staffer serving as a YMCA camp counselor, who entered the women’s locker room with two young girls while Ms. Jaman was showering.

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“Jaman thought she was witnessing a crime in progress, so she spoke up as best she could under the circumstances: she told [Mr.] Adams to leave the women’s locker room,” said the filing.

Ms. Jaman asked, “Do you have a penis?” The staffer responded, “None of your business … ”


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