
4 Empowering Things the Bible Says about Our Bodies


1. Your Body Is a Unique Gift from God

Every person was created to be unique in their body; even identical twins have small differences that make them distinct, although you may need to get to know them well to recognize it.

While people will always suffer from insecurities, it is important to go to the Lord about them because He made you unique.

He gave you your height, shape, eye color, skin color, and so much more! We should be grateful for the bodies God gave us, which are capable of incredible things that can honor the Lord.

2. If You’re Saved, Your Body Is a Temple of the Holy Spirit

When someone gets saved, the Holy Spirit indwells that person, which seals them for the Day of Redemption and helps them undergo the process of sanctification. He guides them to what is right, convicts them when they do wrong, and illuminates the Word to them.

It also means the believer’s body is serving the same function as the Tabernacle and the Temple did in the time before the crucifixion. The Temple was cared for with love, and when it was torn down and abused, righteous people mourned.

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People should take care of their bodies, because it is where God indwells, where He speaks to each Christian. It should not be abused, nor should people abuse another person’s body. Even if the person isn’t a Christian yet, they should be treated like they were made in God’s image, because they were …

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